Sexual dysfunction treatment

sexual  dysfunction  : its definition was limited for a long time to the difficulty of maintaining a strong erection during sexual intercourse.

With time and the proliferation of diseases that affect sexual life, this definition has expanded to include, alongside erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Micro Penis, Lapeyronie and Venous Erectile Leak.

Below you will have a clearer idea about these manifestations of sexual dysfunction and the options for their treatments.

1-Erectile dysfunction treatment

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or maintain a strong erection during sexual intercourse.

Before discussing the causes and treatment, How does an erection occur?

When a man becomes aroused, the brain releases neurochemicals, increasing the size of the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis and reducing the size of the vessels that drain blood out of the penis. Cavernous bodies that extend the length of the penis, called corpora cavernosa, become engorged with blood that is trapped in the glans. Thus, the penis hardens and erects.

If the blood flow to the penis is blocked, or if the blood vessels are blocked or constricted, the erection cannot be achieved or maintained.

The causes are multiple and differ from one man to another:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Smoking
  • Obesity.
  • Antidepressants and other medecines

All these causes lead to the same result. Insufficient blood flow to the penis. This is the first symptom of erectile dysfunction.

Sexual Dysfunction can destroy a man’s intimate and social life. This is why research has been concerned with finding the remedies. This was the starting point for pharmaceutical and surgical treatments for Erectile Dysfunction. Here are the most popular:

A- “Sex-active” drugs:

Frequently used since the 90s to bypass erectile dysfunction and achieve a strong erection. However, following the appearance of serious side effects on the health of patients, The sale becomes prohibited except on medical prescription

B- The Penis Pump:

It is a mechanical device in the form of a cylinder open at one end, intended to introduce a man’s penis into it and partially empty it using a pump.

This pump creates a vacuum around the penis, causing an influx of blood and therefore an erection. An elastic ring is then placed at the base of the penis to prevent blood from returning once the pump is removed.

The use of the Penis Pump has shown several drawbacks (Intruder in intimate life, discomfort during ejaculation due to the constriction ring at the base of the penis, bruises and serious damage to the penis… etc.)

C- The Prosthesis Penile or penile implant: It is a medical device, hydraulic or not, surgically implanted in the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Its swelling gives an erection.

Surgical treatment that emerged in the early 1970s remains the last resort for hopeless cases of all other non-surgical treatments. The penile prosthesis includes the risk of failure and infection after implantation.

D- Shock Wave Therapy:

EDSWT therapy applies low intensity shock waves (10% of that used to treat kidney stones), which causes resuscitation and reactivation of the blood vessels in the penis, thereby restoring blood flow to the penis. Choose who can remedy against erectile dysfunction and achieve a strong erection.

This technique has given very limited results. One of the major drawbacks of this therapy is to repeat the treatment periodically every six months.

الضعف الجنسي

P SHOT: The Most Effective Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction

P-SHOT is a revolutionary non-surgical therapy that involves the injection of Platelet Rich Plasma. The Platelet Rich Plasma includes the growth factors specific to the patient himself. It is obtained from a patient’s blood sample (approximately 20 cc) centrifuged to separate the red blood cells from the serum. We obtain a concentrate of blood platelets (about 5 times higher than the normal rate), which are a growth factor stimulating the formation of vessels, bone cells, cartilage, etc…. This serum reinjected into the patient is a supply of “stem cells” which will allow tissue repair, acceleration and regeneration of damaged or degenerating cells.

This PRP injection technique has already been used since the 1970s in orthopedic surgery, in particular tendon trauma, dental implantology, aesthetic medicine to tone the epidermis. The injection of PRP is also indicated in hair loss, in cases of minimal or beginning alopecia and before a decision of hair microsurgery.

Against impotence and erectile dysfunction, the PRP injection technique is recent and could revolutionize its treatment.

P SHOT increases vascular formation and improves the health of erectile tissues to improve blood flow and give a strong erection. It also makes other treatments like Viagra or Cialis more effective.

The P SHOT has the merit of:

  • Increase sensation and pleasure;
  • Improve confidence;
  • Strengthen the penis;
  • Spontaneous reaction to sexual desire;
  • Penis straightening in men with Lapeyronie’s disease



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The specialist at Magical Clinic advises a man at the age of forty to consult a doctor who specializes in hormones and sexual medicine when he feels any decline, even slight, in his sexual performance, because medical treatment in this case helps a lot to preserve and maintain sexual ability on a regular basis. As for neglecting the case and letting it last for a long time, it is a situation that requires a lot of treatment and effort with much less results. It is necessary for men after the age of forty to consult a specialist doctor even if they do not feel any health problem, because the specialist doctor in this case assesses the man’s health and hormonal energy and can see through this medical examination the man’s health, hormonal and sexual future and puts the necessary treatments in a timely manner. Ensures him a healthy and regular future and a good sexuality

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